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When Creativity meets Entrepreneurship: Reetesh Aanand on digitizing the music industry with Admere.

Born into a typical middle-class Indian family, Reetesh was steered towards the secure path of medicine. But deep inside, He always knew that his true calling lay elsewhere. Music had been a constant companion throughout his life, and while his peers were busy preparing for their medical careers, He found himself increasingly drawn to the rhythms and melodies that filled his soul.

“I always felt that there was something more I could do,” Reetesh recalls. “I wanted to create something that would actually help artists—something that would allow them to focus on their craft without worrying about the complexities of the music business.”

It wasn’t an easy decision to diverge from the expected path. But Reetesh’s determination was unwavering. His idea for Admere—a digital platform designed to empower musicians—started as a simple concept. Over the years, it evolved into something far more substantial, becoming a lifeline for lakhs and crores of artists struggling to navigate the intricacies of the music industry.

Admere is not just another music platform. It's a comprehensive ecosystem where artists can manage their collaboration with peer artists, make bands or launch EPs, monetize their talent, and shape their full time career in the music industry through Admere that gives them the exposure they need. The integration of Artificial intelligence was a game-changer that I’d known for a decade, ensuring that artists retained control over their creations. It was a necessary tool to protect artists’ rights and ensure they get what they deserve,” Reetesh explains.

The journey to building Admere wasn’t an easy road.. There were countless challenges along the way, from understanding the demands to tailoring the solution and then convincing a skeptical market. But Reetesh saw every challenge as an opportunity to innovate. “The biggest hurdle was definitely starting from scratch with limited resources,” he admits. “But every time I faced a roadblock, it forced me to come up with creative solutions, and that made Admere what it is today.”

Despite the difficulties, Admere’s success speaks for itself. With over 20,000 paying artists on the platform and a groundbreaking approach to copyright management, Reetesh has positioned Admere as a true innovator in the music industry. But he’s not stopping there. The future looks even more promising, with plans to integrate blockchain technology and virtual reality into the platform, creating an even more immersive experience for artists.

“You have to be willing to take risks, but also be smart about it. Identify potential risks, develop strategies to mitigate them, and stay adaptable. And no matter what, keep a positive mindset—it makes all the difference.”

In a world where the music industry can often feel like an insurmountable fortress, Reetesh Aanand is proving that with the right mix of passion, innovation, and perseverance, it’s possible to break down those barriers and create something truly transformative.

When someone achieves something of significance, a lot of praise and appreciation are given, but no one supports them at the beginning. A true leader does not rely on anyone but one who walks the right path. Reetesh, with his vision and ambition, achieved it, without any support or investor, he visualized the artists’ pain, handheld them, solving their pain, providing them with tailored solutions, marketing and design, all by himself. 

"True innovation lies in the simplicity of a brilliant idea executed with relentless precision." is one of many quotes by the great Steve Jobs that Reetesh is highly influenced by. 

“Stay true to your vision, listen to your customers, and never stop innovating. Success doesn’t come overnight; it requires patience, dedication, and a lot of resilience.” Reetesh on sharing his advice to fellow and aspiring entrepreneurs.

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