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The only way to do great work is to love what you do

Aanchal Punchhi: Initially as a child, I was interested in a hospital unit set up being a doctor. As I grow up and became a Clinical Psychologist. But soon I realized this is not the thing that is giving me happiness and satisfaction despite being my childhood dream. I was never in this zone of work behind the desk or computer. I believe realizing a wrong decision is a great time of reaching the right place.

From then on, I thought of working towards the field of my passion bakery for which I was passionate since my childhood days. Being a creative mind in painting, I decided to use my creative intelligence in baking work and it lead to the onset of my business.

My entrepreneurial journey is full of ups and downs. People who knew me were doubting my abilities to be in a business without any background. They used to question me for choosing this path of my passion. Due to this, I find it very difficult for someone to believe in my business idea and could support its survival.

Even at times, It takes a lot of effort and courage to believe in even yourself in constant failures. But, in time, I believed in my work and my passion.

In current times, baking is considered an art form. It takes a lot of hard work for a baker to be consistent in his work. You have to change according to the latest trends in baking work. One has to be creative and think out of the box to survive in this field. Try something new each day to be with the new trends to create belief in the eyes of the customers.

I am into making 3D structural cakes and waterfall cakes which were never made before. The unique idea made my clients believe in my business.

For this, I was awarded the Indian Woman Award in the Punjab region and got featured in the famous cake-decorating magazine – Fondbite.

“Once you decide to enter into entrepreneurship, be sure to loosen your grasp on old concepts so you can swing your way to new ones”.


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