Shambhavi is a wonderful name which means one of the avatars of Goddess Durga. A symbol of strength and multi-tasking. She comes from one of the royal families of Bihar where its equally important to be spiritually inclined as much as formally qualified. Her thirst as a healer got quenched when she learnt fresher aspects of healing.
The mystic world was her inner calling so she continued to invest a lot of time to her work.
To be able to walk on the path of spirituality, one needs to be in balance of heart, soul and mind. To be able to gain interest in this field, one needs to be in the right emotional space and have a lot of patience. Having travelled in two boats all the time, one being personal and the other being professional, Shambhavi understands and continues to be an example of balance. While she had set out to do law, destiny steered her to the field of hotel management and MBA to finally being a healer.
After the birth of her son, things changed. Moments of realisation came along. One of them was to be her own boss, and manage her time as per her schedule. She understood her true calling of healing people. She decided to launch a company formally, called ‘Tarot For U’, under this umbrella organisation she connected with people and dealt with 21 different modalities, namely; Tarot, Vaastu, Colour Therapy, Handwriting Analysis, Signature Analysis, and many more. She launched her website extending reach and communication.
The initial journey of establishing anything is always tough, but it takes great effort and persistence to be able to build a brand from scratch.
In her journey of 23 years, she has healed many lives in more than 9 countries. “When your work becomes your passion, it's unstoppable.”
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