Never had I imagined that I will become a Nutripreneur! To my surprise, I haven’t even thought about becoming a Clinical Dietician or Nutritionist. I am grateful to the almighty for always sending me amazing opportunities that led me to become an Entrepreneur.
So, my nutrition journey began in the 2nd year of my bachelor's. Just to share authentic knowledge about Foods and Nutrition, I opened a health page on Instagram. With time, people started acknowledging my efforts. I was also focused on my work of creating awareness. I was not earning any penny in the first place but I gathered myself and decided to start earning from this venture and started handling clients. Just with this kick, I started healing patients with my therapeutic diet plans. Not just this, I started counseling young home scientists and also worked on ebooks.

There was always an idea of working with patients but I was just unable to execute it. I gathered courage and believed in myself and planned how I would execute it. On the completion of planning, I launched my paid programs and my community trusted me gradually I started climbing the ladder to success. Trust me, it’s a step-by-step process. You cannot earn everything in one day. An entrepreneur’s mind thinks of multiple ways to maintain their ventures' growth. Till now, I have handled thousands of patients and clients giving them hope to live their lives healthy and happy.

The biggest challenge in my entrepreneurial journey was to take risks. Sometimes, even if you work very hard things will not go according to your pace. At this time, you need to believe in yourself and trust the process. It might take a year or it might take a day but what’s meant to be will always find its way. After the failure, you have to take the risk to stand again on your feet. And believe me, these failures will prove to be great life lessons that you can never erase from your brain.

"Enjoy the entrepreneurial journey rather than running towards the destination. Often we become extremely focused on the finish line that we fail to cherish the journey. Enjoy the journey, the destination will come."