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"Maria J | From Home Baker to Cake Studio Owner..."

As I sit here reflecting on my journey as a home baker turned cake studio owner, I am reminded of the fears and limiting beliefs that once held me back from pursuing my passion. It wasn't until I mustered up the courage and put in the work to overcome those thoughts that I was able to turn my hobby into a thriving business.

It all started with baking for family and friends, but as word spread, I began to receive more and more custom orders. It was then that I realized the importance of building a brand and consistently delivering quality work. Whether it was the taste of my cakes or the way I interacted with customers, I made sure to show up with discipline and a commitment to excellence.

But it wasn't just about the work itself. I also learned the value of community and the power of inspiration. While it's easy to fall into the trap of unhealthy competition, I chose to be motivated by my peers and role models in the industry, rather than feeling threatened by them. After all, there is plenty of room in this vast world for everyone to succeed.

As my business grew, I decided to take the next step and open up my own cake studio in Bengaluru. It's been an exciting journey so far, as I get to execute my custom orders and teach my signature style florals on cake decorating. But more than that, I am excited to build a fun and learning environment for all those who share my passion. I plan on creating my own courses and bringing in experts from other cities and countries to teach and inspire.

So to anyone out there who may be struggling with their own fears and limiting beliefs, I urge you to push through. It won't be easy, but the reward of seeing your vision turn into reality is worth all the trouble. Believe in yourself, find inspiration in others, and never stop pursuing your passion. Who knows where it might take you?

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