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Heena Sehrawat | The Entrepreneurs of India Womenpreneur Magazine July 2022

Coming from a middle-class business family, in the Jhajjar District in Haryana, Heena pursued her higher studies at Amity University and secured a Degree of Masters in Technology.

Her decision to enter the business industry was influenced by that of her family’s. A similar background would mean better help and a chance to learn from them, as well as their mistakes. “Discuss your ideas with near and dear ones. They will always alarm you about the upcoming loss.” She marked to take up real estate as her full-time career when she saw gaps in that segment’s operation and procedure. Her passion drove her to explore more ways by which real estate's level could be escalated in our country. Her vision is to build a more socio-economically strong India.

She has a variety of insights to give in from an assorted plate of stories of her clients. One of them says that one should never trust the ear for it doesn’t always tell the truth. Put your faith in the eye and in yourself. Always make sure to use reliable resources and understand deals right from the base. Being around so many different minds and observing their perspectives brings out multiple intelligences in you which cannot be learnt from a textbook. They stay with you for life. Sehrawat developed leadership, management, motivation, influential, psychological, conselling and many more skills over a period of time.

For those who wish to opt for real estate in the future, she leaves a note stating that it can be one of the most weary and exhausting industries. She advices aspirants to always have clear knowledge before making a decision. And, most importantly, consider the customer’s preferences most important for they need to feel respected.

Changing times, change people. It would have been a shocker to believe a parent supporting their daughter in her business in previous years. As a matter of fact, orthodox people would find it shocking for a girl to have the guts to be independent in the first place, let alone the support and love. But now, modernizing has changed their mentality. Now, it is considered backward to not support your child in whatever he or she does.

Fortunately, Heena’s parents were from the modern lot and never objected to the decisions she made. Naturally, the mother was concerned about her health and peace because real estate actually does drain you out. Nevertheless, she kept her headstrong attitude alive and paved her path to the hard-earned present! “Both my parents fueled me to fly high in the choice of my sky.”

In order to kick start her business, she needed resources. Human Resources and Marketing were two she believed to be enough to space herself in this money-minting sector.

The moon has two faces. One that we see from Earth, shining to form a glowy white sheet but there is another side engulfed by rocks and craters. All we see is the result, but the effort put behind remains hidden. Likewise, Heena faced challenges too but handled them like a professional.

She was compelled to handle all operations single-handedly. Because she made a transition from job to entrepreneurship, a downward curve was noted in the business. She had to deal with losses for the same. Lastly, the gender stereotype came swooping in but she brushed it off of her now-experienced shoulders to instill a remarkable personality instead.

Sehrawat’s business is about providing exceptional real estate services to buyers, sellers, agents, brokers, and investors of the domestic and international markets. Realty offers site inspections, visits for clients, effective communication, end-to-end paperwork, and much more.

According to Heena, the female gender is considered lesser in every sense compared to the man. Be it intelligence, efficiency, or education. Although women are delicate and sensitive, they are more than capable of pulling off any and everything they set their minds on.

Rejections are not to be avoided but welcomed with courage. Heena believes in the idea of listening to that little voice in your head because it is that voice that helps you be true to yourself and makes all the difference.

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