“To find the edge, you must risk going over the edge.” This statement has been quoted by Dennis Dugan. As promising as the statement sounds, Mr. Deepak Tekchandani has evinced the mention. A ray of sunshine, a chance taker and surely a go-getter, Mr. Deepak is an established entrepreneur with thirty years plus experience.

Despite the teething, he was able to secure good responses and success. After some years, he introduced the telecom division while the mobiles were being launched and sustained both of his businesses till 1999, but to soar higher in the sky, he relocated to Mumbai. After attempting to settle a business for several weeks and adjusting to the new culture, he decided to head back to Nashik. After he excelled at spadework, his wife, Dr. Sonia, came to the forefront, and they both battled the odds together. While Dr. Sonia Tekchandani practiced cosmetic dermatology, Mr. Deepak would take care of the clinic, rented at Rs. 5000, which was a considerable amount for them coming from Nashik, but never settling, they both turned over the scenario in a mere 6 months and bought themselves a clinic.
Subsequently, Mr. Deepak established the “Tender Skin Group," which is an amalgamation of “Tender Skin International," "The Wedding Clinic," “ Tender Skin International Cosmetology Academy," and "Tender Skin Products Pvt. Ltd.” The company looks after the anti-aging of the skin while also offering a full range of personal care products. To cater to the desires of individuals who wish to appear gorgeous, they recognized that the molecule of glutathione, is a king of antioxidants and an immunity booster, which purifies and gives your skin an attractive shine from within. This molecule is sourced from Japan and the refinishing of products is completed in India. In leading his way to success, Mr. Deepak quotes for the folks, “ happiness should always be in you, around you behind all your thoughts” and advises to keep rejoicing as long as possible because that makes you high, not the drunken one, but defusing the negative thoughts that keep flashing across your mind. Pun intended. He suggests, “Speak your heart, don't keep hidden agendas, and laugh your heart out.” “Praise be to the Lord, for he showed me the wonders of his love when I was in a city under siege.”
This verse from the bible comprehends that even when everything appears to be in shambles and we don't seem worthy, God finds a way to express compassion and gratitude. We have the potential to do the same to others since we are built in his image.
Following the same path, Deepak believes that he has received enough kindness and now it is his turn to shower it back, for he is meritorious enough to alleviate someone. And so he has embarked on a boat named "combating corruption.” He believes in giving his tongue against profiteering and battling cancerous corruption. As quoted by him, “Corruption can be defined as the abuse of entrusted power for private gain.” Deepak climbed the first step of the ladder by raising his voice against Nawab Malik's Ministry JT Director, placing him in detention. Mr. Deepak, the complainant, is a co-owner of Tender Skin International Cosmetology Academy, which assists doctors in enhancing their practice in cosmetology. The academy offers courses from the “Skill Development Authority of India” for practicing doctors in cosmetology and aesthetic medicine.
The director purportedly demanded Rs 5 lakh in compensation to settle the dues. On December 7, Mr. Deepak filed a complaint with the ACB(anti-corruption bureau) against him. On December 14, the ACB validated his assertions, and Mr. Anil Jadhav was caught red-handed accepting bribery. This became the first anti-corruption case of 2022.
After this, he decided to come up with a website called “Social Justice and Anti-Corruption Council” to assist people against blackmailing, corruption, and other sorts of social evils. The major goal of this initiative is to help ordinary citizens attain justice by enlightening them about Indian law and linking them with the appropriate people who can assist them.
Any individual(s) residing in India may easily lodge a claim using the form provided on the website (sjacc.in), and the staff will approach them, discuss the problem, and assist them in carrying out the case with suitable advice and assistance. The website also holds blogs about the founder and other content. Anyone interested can visit sjacc.in. On April 10, 2022, BJP president Mangal Lodha Ji lauded entrepreneur Deepak Tekchandani and Dr. Sonia Tekchandani for their anti-corruption efforts in the presence of Mrs. Amruta Fadnavis and Jackey Shroff.
Along with other social welfare works, Mr. Deepak has authored a book called “Happiness is a Journey, not a Destination” with eight key principles to keep your spirits high and seven chapters leading you to the journey of happiness. He believes that “it takes a real-life hero to look at the comedy in the tragedy,” as he quotes in his book. And to conclude, have faith in the saying that one should never stop, for change comes to those who keep striving.
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